Southern Ground Hornbill nest monitoring

November 2023
A healthy chick was found!

In November 2023, Michelle went on a nest monitoring session with Wild Wonderful World travellers Julie & Gary. We checked a nest in the periphery of the Kruger National Park and found a healthy chick! After taking measurements and weighing, the chick went back into the nest and continued to thrive. A few days after, the team from APNR Ground Hornbill Project managed to take the second hatched chick and fly it to the Mabula rearing facility in Loskop. Southern Ground Hornbills lay two eggs, but only raise one chick. The team at Mabula Ground Hornbill facility takes in those second chicks and releases them as healthy adults back into the wild, thereby doubling the population growth!

Click here to read more about how we are supporting this groundbreaking conservation project!

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