Supporting Southern Ground Hornbill 2023-2024 Breeding Season

August 2023
Provided $8,500 to support research to save endangered bird species

The APNR Southern Ground Hornbill (SGH) Project, run by Carrie Hickman and Kyle-Mark Middleton, is based in the Greater Kruger National Park. The project works towards slowing and reversing the decline of this iconic species while carrying out scientific research on these iconic birds. For the past 20 years, researchers from the FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology have been investigating Southern Ground-Hornbills’ habitat-use, reproductive success, and behaviour. The APNR SGH Project efforts focus on installing and monitoring artificial nests, and studying the birds’ reproduction and behaviour.

Wild Wonderful World has been a proud supporter of this groundbreaking conservation work since our inception in 2018. With the continued support of one of our donors, we were able to donate USD 8,500 towards the 2023-2024 breeding season budget. The funds allow the project to employ a master student as a field assistant. As the project grows, the number of breeding groups and nest sites has also expanded, as well as the research area. The new field assistant will help in ensuring proper monitoring.

The 2023-2024 breeding season has kicked off and six females were already incubating eggs, which indicates good ecological conditions for the birds early in the season! All nests were checked to assess damage and deterioration in September. Damages have been fixed where possible and replaced if not, with three new nests, based on an innovative design in collaboration with Kyle Brand from Tshwane University of Technology. These are made of a double layer of wood, with a slight air gap between the layers to shade the nest from direct sunlight and to allow for convective cooling. The new nests also have an enclosed, hidden compartment on the roof, where equipment, such as cameras and scales (for weighing birds), can be installed. As with anything in groundbreaking conservation work, learning-as-you go is key!

We want to keep supporting Kyle & Carrie in their work. Funding is needed for a minimum of five new nests for the 2024-2025 season. We have already received two donations for new nests! We are also fundraising for an additional USD 3,000, in order to assist the team with tracking devices and data. This funding is very much needed to monitor group movements - of which there is currently very little known. It will also massively improve project efficiency, by being able to quickly locate individuals and groups in the field. The team is currently working on developing the fitment of different tracking devices, which will then be tested first on captive animals before deploying in the wild. Click here to donate towards tracking devices and here to donate a Southern Ground Hornbill nest.

Click here to read more about our recent nest monitoring mission!

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