The worst snare we have ever seen...

December 2022
A small elephant calf with a horrendous snare was sighted in the Northern Sabi Sands

This poor elephant calf had one of the worst snares we've ever seen... Both mom and calf were sedated, mom darted with a tranquilliser from the helicopter and the calf was sedated with an injection. The vets removed the snare but the little calf's injuries are extremely worrying. In 95% of snare cases, the vets are confident that the animal will make a full recovery and we often do reach the snared animal in time. This time however, we fear we may have been too late... By removing the snare, we are giving this brave little calf the benefit of the doubt, but only time will tell if it will survive. We are hopeful that we can get updates on its progress, as he was seen in a busy game reserve. Any updates will be posted on our social media, so make sure to follow us on there.

Unfortunately, going into the festive season, we are only expecting more snare incidents like to come up. Our de-snaring group of likeminded NGOs needs your help to keep funding rescue missions. Each and every removal helps to save lives!

Thank you to all organisations involved!

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