Two white rhinos found themselves on the wrong side of the fence a few days ago! No longer in a protected area monitored by an anti poaching unit, the rhinos were at risk of being caught in snares or worse still, poached for their horns- a sad reality made worse than ever in today’s dire financial climate.
Thanks to generous donors who contributed to our Rapid Response Fund, we were able to help the reserve cover the costs of the operation to get the rhinos back to safety. Together with awesome team in the ground, we darted the rhinos from a helicopter and walked them (sedated!) back to the safety of the game reserve. They took a bit of encouragement and a LOT of man power 💪💪 but we are thrilled to report that they are now safely back where they came from. 🦏🦏
A big thank you to Wild Wonderful World donor K.G from USA for enabling us to support this operation!!
With reserves closed and tourism shut down throughout most of Africa, funding for projects like this is at a critical level. If you are interested in supporting wildlife please consider donating to our Rapid Response Fund which provides funding for emergency wildlife situations such as this.