Pel's Fishing Owl Monitoring Mission

December 2022
A highly-endangered and elusive owl found along the banks of the Blyde River

On their recent conservation safari, WWW traveller Julie and WWW CEO Michelle went on a Pel's Fishing Owl monitoring mission along the Blyde River. The riverine forest habitat is very typical for the Pel’s Fishing Owl, a highly endangered species because of their specific habitat needs, and the few areas still left for them along wild rivers. Pel's Fishing Owls need very big trees with large hollows in them to be able to nest. Protecting their habitat and understanding where they choose to nest is extremely important to preserve this species.

Very little is known about the Pel’s Fishing Owl, which highlights the importance of the EWT’s research, as well as making them an extremely rarely sighted bird!

Thank you Julie, for choosing to donate to EWT's Pel's Fishing Owl field monitoring. It takes truly special people to invest in our wildlife and wilderness areas.

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