Hyena neck snare removed

October 2021
Nasty neck snare removed to save hyena

Yet another shocking hyena snare :(

This hyena was spotted in a built up area on the edge of a farm, seen at first by camera trap, with a terrible snare around its neck. It was clearly finding it difficult to hunt and eat and it was reported that a local farmer was giving it dead chickens to try keep it alive. The hyena was reported to the local wildlife vet and together with Lilly from Down2TheWire, we assisted with funding to cover the operation to try and save the hyena.

Under the cover of darkness, the hyena, lured in by a dead chicken, was darted and sedated. The vet, Joel Alves from WildScapes cut the wire off the hyenas neck and the wound was thoroughly cleaned and sprayed with anti-septic. You can watch a part of this operation HERE. Afterwards, an anti-biotic was administered to help with the infection and the hyena was moved back into the safety of a nearby game reserve before being woken up and released.

To help us cover the veterinary costs of these de-snaring operations, please consider making a small donation to our Rapid Response Fund: Donate Here

A huge thank you to our Safari guests and donors whose support makes these operations possible - we really can't thank you enough!!

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