Horn-trimming of three white rhino on Balule Game Reserve

July 2023
A follow-up operation successfully completed

Last year, WWW NPC funded the horn-trimming of several Black and White Rhino on Balule Game Reserve, where this poaching mitigation technique has been successfully implemented alongside strict security and anti-poaching methods. When we were called to assist with funding of a follow-up operation, NPC director Jonty Bozas and travel advisor Nini De Cumont joined the team and helped the veterinary team from Wildscapes Vets with muscle and field assistance. We rarely get to join in on operations in the field, so it is always special when an opportunity like this comes around.

To learn more about why and how these interventions are a necessary evil in the fight against rhino poaching, read our operation report from last year's horn-trimming in the Sabi Sands.

Photos by Kayla Zoon.

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