Elephant Calf saved from snare in Tuli Block, Botswana

August 2023
His injury combined with the dry landscape made it extra hard for the calf to keep condition...

This little elephant from Botswana now has a new lease on life.

A snare around his front leg started to badly affect this elephant, now named ‘Robbie’. He struggled to walk as he couldn’t use his leg and started to loose weight being unable to walk the long distances to find food. His mother stayed with him and also lost condition rapidly.

After a full day of searching, the team couldn’t find his herd. That night, Helena who lives on the reserve, woke up to find Robbie and his mom feeding meters away from her bedroom window. The next morning, with the help of the ground crew and helicopter, they managed to locate & separate the herd and darted both Robbie and his mom. The snare was removed by the vet and the wound treated. A few days later, he was seen using his leg already. As the swelling continues to go down, we’re confident that Robbie the ellie will make a full recovery!

We provided the last amount of funding needed to save Robbie, but we only received 1/5 of the required amount (thanks to our donors!)
Please consider donating to our Rapid Response Fund so we can keep saving wildlife in need. As always, 100% of your funds go directly to paying veterinary and aerial support teams. 

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