Ele calf darted for suspected snare on foot

November 2021
Young elephant spotted with snare wound

A young elephant calf was reported with a snare around his ankle, spotted in the APNR, Greater Kruger National Park. A helicopter and vet team was sent to dart the calf to remove the snare. Once sedated, the team saw that fortunately the snare must have come off, albiet very recently, and was luckily no longer imbedded in the elephants leg. It turned out to be a quick operation - the wound was sprayed with antisecptic and antibiotics were administered to assist with the healing process, but all in all a quick operation! We were very happy to see that it wasn't as bad as the inital photos suggested. Treatment done, the young ele re-joined his herd shortly after.

A collaborative operation between WildScapes, Hope for Wildlife Helicopter, Wild Wonderful World, African Wildlife Vets, BlueSky Society and Down2TheWire.

De-snaring operations like this cost around ZAR3,500-5,000. To help us continue funding these life saving operations, please consider supporting our Rapid Response Fund: Donate to the Rapid Response Fund. Thank you so much!!

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