Black Rhino Dehorning on Balule Nature Reserve

July 2022
Six black rhino dehorned in follow-up operation

Wild Wonderful World Conservation NPC funded the dehorning of 6 black rhino on Balule Nature Reserve, in a follow up operation of their previous dehorning cycle. Wild Wonderful World NPC Director Jonty Bozas and his nieces had the chance to help out in the field as well.

The Black Rhino project on Balule is currently in its 12th year. In 2011, Balule introduced 19 black rhino (10 female and 9 male) translocated from the Eastern Cape Tourism and Parks Agency as part of the Black Rhino Expansion Project instituted by the WWF. Since then, the population has grown extensively and continues to gain momentum despite early poaching and predation losses. After initiating a dehorning programme in 2019, poaching losses were dramatically reduced and Balule now sits on 643 days since a rhino has been lost. In 2020, a milestone was reached when the first cow born on Balule bore her own calf, marking the start of a second generation.

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