Heli time donated to help free Giraffe from snare

December 2021
Giraffe bull treated for leg snare

Just days before Christmas a big giraffe bull was seen with a nasty snare wound on his leg, moving slowly through the Savong/ Klaserie area of the Greater Kruger.

Wild Wonderful World sponsored helicopter time to enable the giraffe to be darted and operated on. It took some time to relcoate him, but thankfully with the helicopter they were able to find the giraffe.

The wound was a very bad one, the cable snare had cut very deeply into the giraffes leg - he was barely able to walk. The vet, Dr. Ben Muller darted the giraffe with a sedative and once down, very carefully removed the snare and treated the wound. Unbelievably, when the giraffe was woken up, he ran off showing very little lameness, which the vet was thrilled about. A huge success story, showing how quick action can really help save an animals life.

Click here to see the video of the de-snaring operation.

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